It's been several years since my worldview completely changed.
I hesitate to make it public, but there's that axiom of "If you have a question, there's a good chance others have the same one"
My question was; what happened? Where did the trust go?
It wasn't all at once, but at times it felt as if I entered a new country without a map. The process started as a result of my dissatisfaction with the day to day grind. I was worn out by a feeling of "is this really it?" In addition to feelings about my own situation, the general pulse of the world around me was not good. But everything was supposed to be great. I had a life most would see from the outside as pretty ideal. What couldn't be observed from the outside was the shallowness of that life, and the unsatisfactory explanations of why I felt that way. So, I went searching.
In order to properly explain where exactly I went searching, I need to lay out the themes I wanted to find.
- Trust, generally, felt like it was dropping by the day
- Depression, need I say more? Everyone had a mental health problem
- Polarization. Thanksgivings were becoming impossible lol
- Technology, the pacifier for adults.
- The family structure. Don't ask anyone about their family. Never knew what you'll get.
- Inequality. Life was getting easier for some and harder for others.
Now that we understand each other, particularly that things were trending in the wrong direction, I'll continue with visuals. I have to share some of the charts that got me to obsess over this for years, which is ongoing.

And suddenly, everything was starting to make sense. The dissatisfaction that I was feeling can be traced, in a very complicated way, to my lack of appreciation for the divine truth. I was Catholic my whole life, so it appeared that the whole Catholic part didn't really click. Oh yeah.. surprise, this is a religious piece. It has everything to do with nothing that we can see. And when I mentioned earlier that "I went searching," there happens to be a phrase I had heard many times before but never really understood it until I actually experienced it:
Seek and you will find
Now, I am firmly in the camp of a singular truth that dictates the heavens and the earth. Some people would call that God. I call it God too. In the past I was always trying to separate church and state, science and God, personal life and spiritual life. Now, I can't help but see everything through the eyes of faith. If life were Evolution represents the hardware